Behavior Problems:
“My son's behavior is really appalling.”

Hey Terra,

I'm a single mum with three children (2 girls and a boy). The problem is my 6 year old son. He is a very talented reader and a fast thinker with a memory to die for but alas his behavior is really appalling. He recently got suspended from school for hitting a boy in his class for nothing. I have a lot of trouble getting him to listen to me and also making eye contact. Any suggestions?

Single Mum

Dear Single Mum,

Your son is obviously an intelligent little boy. And I'm sure you've got your hands full as a single mom with three children. But his acting out is a cry for help. Something's going on with him emotionally. Perhaps he has some anger toward his dad or that he's growing up in a house filled with females. (I'm just guessing.) Anyway, happy children do not lash out at others for "nothing."

It seems to me that your son might benefit from a session with a child psychologist. I'm sure the school can help you with a referral. Please act on this, for your son's sake. The last thing you want is for him to be labeled as a "trouble-maker." That will affect his self-esteem and quite likely have a negative impact on his attitude toward school.

Make sense?

In friendship,


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