Parent Forum
I’m a parenting expert and family coach. Our 21st century tweens and teens are so savvy about pop culture, technology and social media, they may believe they’ve got the emotional and interpersonal part of life figured out too. They don’t. Middle and high school kids need their parents to teach them how to be good people who do the right thing, online and off. Because home is where kids learn the most about love, respect, empathy and resilience, you need 21st century parenting advice you can count on.
Welcome. You’re in the right place.Letters from Parents & Teens
Abusive relationships:
Dear Annie, I have a 13 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. Our daughter has always been very obedient towards me and her father. But lately she has started going out with a 16 year old boy and she has gotten out of control. She is verbally abusive towards me and my husband, her schoolwork is neglected... |
Hey Terra, My nephew is almost 16. He has a blog that he pours his heart into -- and tells all. He doesn't know I read it... or that his parent's do. He drinks quite a bit. He smokes dope, buys cough meds -- all to get high. He is very negative and hard to get along with. His parents have grounded him... |
Read Terra’s Answer » More letters from Teens » |