Communication Problems:
“Me and my mom have our days.”

Hey Terra,

I have an alright relationship with my mom. We have our days, though, as anyone does. When we do have one of our days, she doesn't listen to what I have to say. I've talked to her plenty of times about this, but I don't know how to get her to agree. Do you have any suggestions?

Parentally Controlled

Dear Parentally Controlled,

Lots of teens say, "My parents don't listen!" The funny thing is that lots of parents say, "My kids don't listen!" Sounds like maybe there's a lack of listening happening on both sides of the conversation. No one is to "blame" here because it absolutely takes TWO people to have great communication and if one of them (or both) isn't listening 100%, then there are going to be problems, frustrations, resentment, etc. Since it takes two, would you agree that maybe you could do a better job listening to what your mom has to say? Let me know what you think (I'm listening! LOL)

In friendship,


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