Annie (AKA Hey Terra!) has been around long enough to have experienced a lot of what Life can dish out. But, it hasn’t been so long that she's forgotten what it's like to be your age. Check out some of the thousands of email questions teens from around the world have sent to Terra. You may learn something useful from her answers:
“My tongue is weird!”
Hey Terra,
I have a boyfriend. He's wonderful! The bad news is any day now, I could get my first kiss (cause I haven't had my first kiss yet), AND I DON'T REALLY KNOW HOW TO KISS!!!!! Oh my gosh, I'm freaking out. I mean, I wanna kiss him, but I'm a little scared that I might kiss him wrong... is there a certain way to kiss someone??Petrified
Dear Petrified,
Unless you completely miss a person's lips, I'm not sure there's a "wrong" way to kiss someone. Tell me, what's the worst thing you can imagine might happen here?
In friendship,
Need some advice? Write to Terra.
She'll give you a straight answer you can trust without any lectures.