“Like every effective parent, I encourage tweens and teens to know themselves and show themselves... Especially in the face of peer pressure. Only then can young people learn to make choices that reflect who they really are. And isn’t that what we most want for them?”
—Annie Fox, M.Ed.
Yesterday I launched my completely redesigned website! It’s the next level of my work with tweens, teens, parents and educators. Designed by graphic artist extraordinaire Daniel Will-Harris and implemented by my fantastic Webmaster, David Fox. You are warmly invited to:
- Check out AnnieFox.com for loads of practical tools and tips, book reviews, radio and TV interviews, Q & A, essays, lesson plans, personal insights and live events to support whatever parenting/teaching challenge you’re facing with your 11-17 year olds.
Give the gift of self-confidence... It’s what they really want. “Be Confident in Who You Are” is Book 1 of my new Middle School Confidential™ series. Written for 5th-8th graders, this award-winning fiction/non-fiction hybrid is part-graphic novel and part smart-talk life skills. Order your personally autographed copy of Be Confident in Who You Are for Christmas or Hanukkah. Special Preview... Book 2: “Real Friends vs. The Other Kind” will be published in June. Pre-order your autographed first edition copy for your middle schooler!
- Connect with other parents through my new parenting Blog. Check it out. Post your comments. Subscribe. (It’s free and has replaced my monthly Parent Forum eNewsletter.) No one has all the answers (I know I sure don’t) but I have some of them and so do you. With our collective experience and wisdom learned from hard work, successes and our well-intentioned mistakes, we can create a wise and supportive online parenting community. Visit my blog.
As always, please email me with any of your questions or comments. I look forward to hearing from you.
In friendship,